Adaptive Business Solutions


As our company name suggests, we are in the business of providing solutions. Not further complexity, not additional IT bloat. Not necessarily even the latest and greatest buzz word. We are all about figuring out what is the easiest, most resilient way of solving your needs in as cost-effective way as possible. Our services cover the entire project lifecycle from initial consultancy to design and development of a system (if required).

We understand that company systems and processes change over time, this is where the 'Adaptive' part of the company name comes into play. Our aim is to adapt to your enterprise's needs. Whenever possible we aim to understand and use your own processes and components when updating, connecting, repairing or in some cases replacing your existing systems.


These are the services we provide as part of a solution


A member of our company will meet with you, usually online though sites visits are possible depending on location. We will ascertain your requirements and document proposed solutions. Consultancy is invoiced based on time, usually daily or hourly depending on the complexity of the requirements

Bespoke development

We have the in-house software architecture and engineering to design and build new systems for your enterprise. Alternatively we can build modules that connect your existing systems together. Invoicing is based on units of work. The scope of a unit work of work would be agreed in advance between a representative of Adaptive and your enterprise. A unit of work would be a quantifiable milestone in the project. Examples could be a macro design document, a functioning screen in an application, a part of an API which connects multiple systems. This would enable both parties to see measured progress and manage costs effectively.

Cloud migration

We would analyse your current on-premises systems, determine how they would best work in the cloud, then document and build the cloud infrastructure. Our cloud provider of choice is AWS based on previous projects though other cloud platforms would be considered if it suits the customer's requirements. Invoicing would be handled in a similar fashion to bespoke software projects. The overall migration would be broken down into chunks e.g. the database infrastructure, a particular component of the system, one particular software application. Chunks would be invoiced a units of work.


We offer support contracts for systems that we have built or have had a significant involvement with. These would be negotiated based on level of support required.